“Stuber” Movie Review by Leftover Brian
July 14, 2019 11:40 am |
As a fan of both of these leads I really wanted to enjoy Stuber. Kumail Nanjiani’s The Big Sick was one of my favorite films from 2017 and Dave Bautista shocked the world with his portrayal as Drax in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s been an uphill climb for both of these guys in Hollywood so it’s fitting that they are in this movie together. That being said I absolutely adored this movie and laughed throughout.
Stuber is directed by Michael Dowse and written by Tripper Clancy. It stars Kumail Nanjiani, Dave Bautista, Iko Uwais (The Raid: Redemption, The Night Comes For Us), Betty Gilpin (American Gods, GLOW, The Hunt), Jimmy Tatro, Mira Sorvino and Karen Gillan (Doctor Who, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle).
In the movie you have Stu (Kumail Nanjiani) an Uber driver who picks up Vic (Bautista) a grizzles LAPD detective who is trying to take down Oka Teijo (Iko Uwais), a ruthless drug trafficker and the man who killed Vic’s partner in cold blood. These two couldn’t be more different. And that’s what makes their ride together so fun, hilarious, action packed and life changing. Stu has been getting walked on by the woman he’s been in love with, Becca (Betty Gilpin) and Vic hasn’t always prioritized his family. These are things that we see develop throughout the film as both characters not only confront gang members and drug dealers but they confront their biggest obstacle, themselves. Yeah, I sound like I’m getting real deep here with this comedy but that’s what made this movie work for me. One minute I’m laughing and the next minute I’m really caring about Stu’s love life and hoping that Vic will be a better father.
Kumail Nanjiani’s character feels like he’s in a comedy, and he’s definitely the comic relief, but when mixed with Bautista playing his role like a proper action hero any 80’s kid would be proud of it just worked for me. From a shoot em up scene in a veterinarian’s office to Kumail Nanjiani backstage at a male strip club this movie delivers the action and the funny. The great Paula Abdul performed a song in the late 80’s “Opposites Attract” where she sings and dances with a cartoon cat, MC Skat Kat, where they couldn’t be more different. She makes the bed and he steals the covers. Well, she was right. Opposites do attract and Stu and Vic couldn’t be any more different. I’m not sure why I’m quoting Paula Abdul and realize that my point is neither relevant nor poignant. Paula and MC Skat Kat were lovers right? That’s what we were lead to believe? #MCSKATKAT4LIFE
Having Iko Uwais in the film was great for us fans of the Raid films. Watching him escape from Bautista who’s in hot pursuit of him as jumps from level to level downward through a hotel was incredible.
Don’t listen to the negative reviews. Stuber is a funny and thrilling ride. Select the UberPool option and bring some friends out to the theater and have a great time. Who knew driving an electric car could be so cool?
PCL Rating: Tupperware
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: FRESH 🍅
Tags: dave bautista, Iko Uwais, Kumail Nanjiani, MC Skat Kat, pop culture leftovers, Stuber 2019, Stuber Movie Review
Categorised in: Movie Reviews
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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