Hawkeye Episode 4 Review “Partners, Am I Right?”
December 12, 2021 6:37 am |

Welcome to another Hawkeye Bonus Episode! In this episode we are joined by Joe Stark (Starkcast) and Paul Hart (Apple to Oranges) to discuss the 4th Episode of Marvel Studios Hawkeye “Partners, Am I Right?”
Secrets are revealed about a key suspect in the mystery, while hard truths emerge about Hawkeye and his past. As Clint and Kate’s partnership finally takes off, their efforts to uncover more of the story results in a confrontation.
Tags: apple to oranges podcast, Disney, Hailey Steinfeld Hawkeye, Hawkeye, Hawkeye Disney+, Hawkeye Episode 4 Partners Am I Right?, Jeremy Renner Hawkeye, Marvel, Maya Lopez, MCU, pop culture leftovers, Starkcast, Television, tv
Categorised in: Podcast
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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