Episode 236: Leto Joker Film, Bumblebee Trailer, Hereditary, Impulse, Cloak & Dagger
June 11, 2018 3:17 pm | Leave your thoughts

This week the Leftovers are joined by Old Man Schuette and Dan Hunter. We’ve got an extended Good Pop Bad Pop again with movie reviews for Hereditary, Hotel Artemis, Oh, Lucy!, Social Animals, Adrift and Oceans 8. Scott give us his thoughts on BBC’s new series Killing Eve. Brian and Scott discuss the new YouTube Red series Impulse. Dan has watched the Tommy Wiseau film Best F(r)iends and gives us his thoughts on both parts. And Jake has seen a new documentary based on The Shining called Room 237 on Hulu.
We talk about the new Bumblebee trailer that was released this week as well as the new Halloween trailer. Todd McFarlane is saying that Spawn isn’t an origin film. A Game of Thrones prequel is being developed by HBO. And Hollywood is wanting to give us a Cannonball Run remake and an origin story for Willy Wonka.
In Marvel News we talk about the new Cloak & Dagger series on Freeform. And in DC News we talk about the new Jared Leto Joker film that’s being rumored.
Tags: Best F(r)iends, Bumblebee movie, Cloak & Dagger Freeform, Hereditary, Hotel Artemis, Impulse YouTube Red, Jared Leto Joker Movie, Killing Eve, Lucy!, Oh, Room 237, Social Animals, Spawn movie, WIlly Wonka origin movie
Categorised in: Podcast
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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