Episode 181: Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer & Batgirl Movie News
Posted on April 2, 2017 2:21 pm
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Episode 181: Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer & Batgirl Movie News

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April 2, 2017 2:21 pm | Leave your thoughts


Hey, it’s episode 181.  Whoopty shit.  Anyway, in this episode we discuss the new Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer #2 that dropped as well as the announcement that Joss Whedon will write and direct a Batgirl movie for the DCEU.  Jake talks about Kingdom Hearts.  Frank talks about Rick & Morty.  Brian talks about Ghost in the Shell.  Plenty of Marvel News this week with news coming out of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 with embargoes lifted on set visits.  Also, is Stallone leaving The Expendables?

Oh, this is where I should say “All this and more on this episode of Pop Culture Leftovers” right?  That’s so lame.  All this and more?  Like I’m Billy effing Mays trying to sell you a bottle of Oxy Clean.  Do people really read that crap and get excited?  Some half wit trying to figure out a podcast to listen to and sees that sentence and thinks “All that… and more????  Well, shit… now I’m in.  Didn’t sell me till you told me there was more.  Now I’m so balls in.”

Like if I’m comparing podcasts as if they were 2 competing brands and holding them side by side and one promises all of the aforementioned news AND more and the other does not well then you gotta go with the more then don’t ya?  Let me be honest.  We have a little more this episode.  I’m not saying quantity is quality though.  This episode is one of the worst.  Nothing too memorable.  I even play an old sound clip towards the end because I don’t have faith in this episode at all.  Might as well recycle some old laughs we had from a previous episode that took place 2 years ago back when people were passionate about listening to this stupid thing.

One cool thing though is we did get a couple of packages.  One from Jacob Harman and the other from Basel and Wael Tarabishi.  Which was awesome for us because we love gifts.  And which is awesome for them because people love giving gifts.  It makes them happy.  But it sucks for the listening audience.  Not all.  I’m sure some will dig it.  But there’s gonna be some people that are just highly annoyed with it.  “I came to listen to news not 3 guys opening gifts!  1 star!”  Well, I just came to report news, have fun and talk with my friends.  Just turn it off you high strung piece of shit.  Listen, we saved it for the end of the podcast so you can bounce out early.  If you don’t wanna hear guys opening gifts I get it.  Leave.  Nobody is holding you hostage.  And if I did hold someone hostage, which I wouldn’t, but if I did, it would not be some jerkoff complaining about people opening gifts on a podcast.  Oh yeah I can’t wait to tie this guy up and spend some quality time with this asshat.  Sorry, I’m just bored and rambling at this point.  Anyway, enjoy this lackluster episode that people will not reference for years to come.

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This post was written by Leftover Brian

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