“Doctor Sleep” Review by Quinton Roberts
December 3, 2019 6:47 am |
Just to make sure this is clear and out in the open, I am basing my review off of being a sequel to The Shining, and not the book material. With that being said, Doctor Sleep was made at the right time. Ewan McGregor plays the character of Dan Torrance after Danny Lloyd portrayed his younger self in The Shining. McGregor did an amazing job reimagining this character as an adult. The personal struggle that you see him go through in the film is mesmerizing to say the least.
Speaking of mesmerizing, the visual effects used in this film is something to appreciate. When I say that this film was made at the right time, I mean that what the effects team could do in 2019 is beautiful. There were some weird shots that looked a little rough, but that’s CGI. Rebecca Ferguson’s character of Rose the Hat is used in this film as an antagonist to both Danny and Abra, (Kyleigh Curran) who has the power of the Shining as well. Her introduction to this cinematic world was well done as well. Curran’s acting was just as good as McGregor and Ferguson.
The reason it is isn’t a perfect film is because of the length. Doctor Sleep is way too long for the story it’s telling, but I had fun on the journey, I just wish there weren’t so many stops along the way. It takes entirely too long for us to end up at the hotel for the final showdown. I did appreciate that when we were reintroduced to the original characters of the Shining, the faces weren’t CGI cut and pasted on other actor’s bodies, but instead re-casted. The final battle between our main characters was again, very fun to watch.
Overall the film was a masterpiece with taking characters we’ve seen before and taken in a new direction while still introducing new characters as well. It was balanced well with the tone, horror, and narrative. Again, just a little longer than needed, but that’s my only complaint to a great sequel to a very horror influential film such as The Shining.
PCL Rating: High Taste It
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: FRESH 🍅
Tags: Doctor Sleep 2019, Doctor Sleep Movie, movie review, pop culture leftovers, Quinton Roberts, Rebecca Ferguson Doctor Sleep, Stephen King Doctor Sleep
Categorised in: Movie Reviews
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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