Chris Pine as Green Lantern Confirmed? VA Comicon Cover Spoiler
July 15, 2015 8:36 pm | Leave your thoughts
Is Chris Pine our next Green Lantern? Well, after reading this email that is being sent to artists and vendors attending VA Comicon it sure looks like he could be. Sounds like whoever sent the email expected the announcement during SDCC 2015. Here’s the quote followed by pictures:
With the rumor-mill swirling that CHRIS PINE will be announced as Green Lantern, we have had a gag-order placed on us by the publisher. We are NOT ALLOWED to reveal the full image of our VA COMICON exclusive until AFTER the big San Diego Comicon (on July 8). In the meantime, here’s a teaser image to whet your appetite!
Sure sounds like they were under the impression that the deal was done and that they were just waiting for Chris Pine to come out on stage July 8th during Warner Bros. Hall H event. But maybe they are still waiting on the contract. Interestingly enough it sounds like there ar variant covers of a DC comic book depicting Chris Pine as a Green Lantern. Hence, the reason we see a half and half Green Lantern and Captain James Tiberius Kirk. So, I’m calling it. Chris Pine is our new Green Lantern. Now we just wait for him to decide on how many pictures he’s signing for. Cavill, Affleck and Pine? Warner Bros. is boldly going where no studio has gone before.
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Tags: chris pine, green lantern, pop culture leftovers, SDCC, VA Comicon
Categorised in: Headlines
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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