Captain America: the Winter Soldier Flies High!
April 6, 2014 1:37 am | Leave your thoughts
Warning: Explicit Language will be used in this review
There is one phrase that best describes the feeling that I had after watching Captain America: the Winter Soldier: America! Fuck Yeah! This is without a doubt my favorite of the Marvel Studios movies thus far. I went to the 3D IMAX showing at Carmike Cinemas. I was 20 minutes early, and i still had to sit in one of the two seat sections smashed against the theater wall. The place was packed with people: many of them in various versions of Cap’s uniform, most with t-shirts, but some with hoodies, cowl and all. The only reason I had found the two seat combo as quick as I did was because my buddy DeMarius threw his coat on the seats in front of him before anybody could take them. I have seen DeMarius dragged to many Marvel movies because his girlfriend is a huge fangirl. But a funny thing happened during the movie; DeMarius stopped talking. He started laughing at the jokes instead of at the movie itself. He told me Nick Fury and Falcon were the first comic heroes that he had seen in a Marvel movie that could hold his interest. I don’t know if that is right or wrong, but I know my friend DeMarius and I had a great time watching a comic book movie, and now maybe he won’t drag me to the next action movie starring Vin Diesel or Jason Statham. Though I confess, I cannot wait to hear Mr. Diesel tell me “I am Groot.”
For balance’s sake, there was one thing I did not like about the film. Robert Reford seemed to just be going through the motions. Seemed like a guy who thought his grandkids would get a kick out of it so he made the movie. I had hoped for more from the Sundance Kid.
That being said, I will be buying this movie on Blu-ray the day that it comes out. From the coolest tombstone I have ever seen in a movie to the best car chase I have seen in years, Captain America: the Winter Soldier was so good I don’t even want to spoil a single thing for you. Tupperware all the way, U S A! U S A!
Yours Truly,
Tags: Captain America The Winter Soldier, chris evans, marvel phase 2
Categorised in: Movie Reviews, Random Reviews & News
This post was written by David Griffin
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