“It’s Bruno” Review by Dan West
July 20, 2019 7:08 am |
It becomes obvious when you regard the work of a young creator, be it film, television or music, that this person knows what they are doing. Nothing could be truer than Solvan ‘Slick’ Naim’s It’s Bruno! A short form episodic story about a man and his dog.
In this slice of life style show Naim introduces us to Malcolm (Naim) a young man from Bushwick Brooklyn who recently received settlement money and is spending his time and his money on his best friend, a Puggle named Bruno (Himself).
We follow the duo through the sunny streets and join them on such adventures as picking up turkey for Bruno’s meals, grabbing some milk from the local bodega or meeting other dog lovers and their companions at the lights. This may seem mundane, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Any simple task Malcolm and Bruno find themselves on quickly develops into hilarious conversations, quirky characters and impossible situations all expertly shot, edited and acted. Naim’s influences are clear throughout every episode from the fast cuts and crash zooms of Martin Scorsese, the everyday ‘real talk’ between characters from Quentin Tarantino, to the comedic precision and timing of a Spike Lee joint.
All of this is accompanied by one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard in a T.V. show. Each piece married to each scene making it even funnier, absurd or heartfelt. Whether it’s from the retro psychedelic funk of Black Market Brass or the plodding acid western of Spindrift, all are clearly carefully considered for their place in the story. Which seems so obvious when you see that Naim is Actor/Director/Writer/Executive Producer and a musician himself.
All this aside. It’s funny, really funny. Yes, comedy is subjective of course, but timing and rhythm is universal. If the context or conversation doesn’t make you laugh, the cuts to side characters or the adorable Bruno surely will.
To sum up.
If you have some of that superhero fatigue, if you look at the cinema listings and say ‘not another reboot/remake/reimagining’, if you’ve watched your favourite series over and over again until you want to punch Chandler in the face. This is for you.
If you’re looking for 2 hours of hilarious, heart-warming, absurd comedy with a retro soundtrack and the cutest dog you’ve seen on screen in years? Give this a watch and know your supporting young, independent, original filmmakers in the medium we all love so much.
Who’s a good dog! You are, yes you are! 🐶
Lovelovelove ❤❤❤
PCL Rating: Tupperware
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: FRESH 🍅
Tags: Dan West, It's Bruno, It's Bruno 2019, It's Bruno TV Review, netflix, pop culture leftovers, Solvan Naim
Categorised in: Television Reviews
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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