Weird: The Al Yankovic Story Movie Review by Brooke Daugherty
December 12, 2022 12:17 pm |

When the name “Weird” Al Yankovic is uttered, everyone in earshot thinks of Hawaiian shirts, accordions, and Daniel Radcliffe? If you didn’t already figure out “Weird” is a parody of his life, you probably don’t know Al Yankovic’s music.
Al Yankovic wrote this LOOSELY autobiographical film with Eric Appel, who also directed the film. The original idea for this movie was a short for Funny Or Die in 2010 also directed by Appel. For Appel’s feature length directorial debut, this is quite the epic. From the production value to the cast, this film absolutely qualifies for the term “epic”.
Daniel Radcliffe puts in 110% into his role as Yankovic, unless you count the parts where he is lip syncing to the real Weird Al. Rachel Evan Wood plays 80s Madonna to a T, before the queen of pop took on a slightly British affectation. The list of cameos by actors and comedians playing other celebrities is plentiful. Rainn Wilson plays Al’s mentor Dr. Demento and Yankovic playing a record exec, with Diedrich Bader narrating the story as an older, more grizzled Al.
This film is great for anyone who loves ridiculous movie parodies and/or Weird Al. Every movie trope is in just over an hour and a half screen time. If you have Roku, check out this movie. It is so silly and well done. Look for Conan O’Brien, Will Forte, Jack Black, and Lin-Manuel Miranda. Watch through the credits for photos of Al through the years and a mid credit scene.
PCL Rating: Tupperware
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: FRESH
Tags: film review, movie review, pop culture leftovers, Roku Original, weird al movie, weird: the al yankovic story 2022 roku
Categorised in: Movie Reviews
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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