Tag Archive: Disney+

“WandaVision” Disney+ Review by Josh Davis
January 24, 2021 8:51 pm |
Marvel has made the Disney corporation an awful lot of money and also has built up immense good will with fans over the course of the last decade, with 23 feature films grossing more than $22 billion to date. That’s...

LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special Disney+ Movie Review by Josh Davis
November 29, 2020 6:41 am |
Star Wars fans of a certain age remember a dark time, before the prequels, before the sequel trilogy, when someone thought the “Star Wars Holiday Special” was a good idea.Released in 1978, the special began with more than 10 minutes...

“Mulan” Disney+ Movie Review by Brooke Daugherty
September 13, 2020 9:48 am |
When Disney announced they would be making a live action version of Mulan, many people were in an uproar. Some because characters changed, others for fear the film would be whitewashed. Walt Disney Pictures and screenwriters Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver,...