She-Hulk Ep. 1 Breakdown + World War Hulk Movie Rumors
August 21, 2022 8:04 am |

Welcome to a Bonus Episode of Pop Culture Leftovers where we talk about the first episode of the new Marvel Studios show She-Hulk: Attorney at Law “A Normal Amount of Rage”.
In this episode we are joined by Kevin Shanks from Dose Makes The Poison: The Toxcast and Steve Hudson from the Heroes of Noise podcast.
We rate and discuss the first episode. What we liked, what we didn’t like. And we speculate and have theories for the future.
We also discuss some of the recent rumors surrounding a possible MCU World War Hulk movie. Enjoy!
Tags: Dose Makes The Poison: The Toxcast, Heroes of Noise podcast, Marvel, Marvel Studios, MCU, Podcast, pop culture leftovers, She-Hulk 2022, She-Hulk Attorney at Law 2022, She-Hulk Disney+, She-Hulk Tatiana Maslany, Television Review, Titania She-Hulk, TV Review
Categorised in: Podcast
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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