“Relic” Review by Quinton Roberts
July 26, 2020 2:52 pm |

As a horror fan, I was very skeptical of how I was going to enjoy Relic. It seems the horror genre is evolving into something more than just jump scares and nude women that we have been so accustomed of seeing. With movies such as Hereditary, The Lodge, and Horns we are seeing a gradual shift in terms of what is scary. Relic follows the pattern of showing a story that impacts a small group of people, a family, and shows us how dementia can be twisted into a dark tale.
With the main characters consisting of three generational women, a grandmother, a mother, and a daughter, they are all going through something traumatic whether it happened before, during, or after the events of this film. The setting takes place in the grandmother’s house that is riddled with mold with a very weak foundation. There are many parallels of the house to the women in this film that is definitely something to behold when watching this all the way through. The actress of Robyn Nevin was the star of this film as the Grandmother, Edna. She acted in such a way that you could tell she was feeling 7 different things in one second. She stood out over everyone else in this film and as it progresses, she only captivated me more.
The ending of this film is definitely where I would give the film its props the most. It strayed from many other films of its genre of having a very bleak ending. There was a sense of calmness in it all even though what is being seen is very out of the ordinary. This was a fine film in its genre, but the movie didn’t leave me scared or frightened to leave the lights off afterwards. The payoff at the end didn’t feel too earned with what is actually the reason for how it all transpires, but I wasn’t too disappointed. I’d recommend watching it as least once.
PCL Rating: Taste It
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: FRESH 🍅
Tags: Horror film, movie review, pop culture leftovers, Relic 2020, Relic movie 2020
Categorised in: Movie Reviews
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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