RDJ Confirms Iron Man 4
October 7, 2014 2:31 pm | Leave your thoughts
Robert Downey Jr. while on an episode of Ellen has confirmed that there will in fact be an Iron Man 4. What he didn’t confirm is will he be starring as Tony Stark in it? Here’s what RDJ had to say if you can’t watch the video.
“To me, it comes down to what’s the half-life of people enjoying a character? It’s different on TV, where you expect the longevity over seasons while movies get a two- or three-year break,” Downey Jr. said in early October. “Marvel keeps stepping up its game, and I appreciate the way Kevin Feige and all the creatives there think. They are as in the creative wheelhouse as any great studio has been at any point. So it becomes a matter of, at what point do I cease to be an asset to what they’re doing, and at what point do I feel I am spending so much time either shooting or promoting these films that I’m not actually able to get off the beachhead and do the kind of other stuff that is good for all of us. Each one of those movies is spread over two years and some people fit other things in.”
Tags: Iron Man 4, Iron Man IV, Marvel Comics, Marvel Studios, Robert Downey Jr
Categorised in: Headlines
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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