“Pen15” Season 2 Hulu Review by Brooke Daugherty
September 27, 2020 10:56 am |

Passing notes, misconstruing actions from your crush, parents embarrassing you at every turn, and that pointy “S” thing everyone somehow knows how to draw-make their return in season two of PEN15. Also returning are Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle, 30 somethings playing 13 year old versions of themselves.
Sam Zvibleman handles all the directing duties this time around as well as writing two episodes. Konkle and Erskine get one writing credit a piece, with Gabe Liedman, Vera Santamaria, and Josh Levine round out the writing on the rest of this season’s seven episodes.

Season two picks up where season one left off. The girls are still buzzing days later from their encounter with Brandt at the dance. The season is filled with new friends, new loves, parties, and new experiences. The short episodes are easy to binge, but this season is shorter than season one and I could use more antics.
If you haven’t gotten on the PEN15 train in the year and a half since the first season premiered, you should hop on now. It is funny and feels so real to many middle school experiences. I personally prefer this over the animated Big Mouth as my go to adolescent show for adults. Most of the season is great, a High Taste It, but the last two episodes are so great, it pushed my rating to Tupperware.
PCL Rating: Tupperware
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: FRESH 🍅
Tags: Pen15 Hulu, Pen15 Hulu Season 2, pen15 Season 2 2020, pop culture leftovers, Television Review
Categorised in: Reviews
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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