“3 From Hell” Review by Quinton Roberts
September 22, 2019 2:28 pm |
For a movie that I feel didn’t need another film in its series, 3 From Hell was surprisingly mesmerizing. 3 From Hell is the third entry in the Rob Zombie trilogy that follows Baby Firefly (Sheri Moon Zombie), Otis Firefly (Bill Moseley), Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig), and newcomer Winslow Foxworth Coltrane (Richard Brake). The movie takes place ten years after The Devil’s Rejects, and shows our characters surviving the shooting from the previous film and that is where the story picks up.
The movie does an excellent job balancing our three main characters, in the beginning of the film there is a lead character shift, which really lets Richard Brake’s character take the center stage with Zombie and Moseley. It is interesting following characters that have a cult following and seeing the audience in the theater react to their dialogue and actions shows there’s a prevalent love for this type of film.
Sheri Moon Zombie was the most eye-catching person in this film. Her performance as the psychotic Baby Firefly was enticing but sinister. Zombie doesn’t miss a beat in the fourteen-year absence from when she last played this character. The way she plays off Moseley’s rabid but calming portrayal of Otis is chilling in some key scenes in the film. Brake fits into the mold of Rob Zombie films so well since he’s been part of the artillery of latest Zombie films, it seemed easy for him to be cast in this film.
As for Rob Zombie’s third entry in this psychotic thriller trilogy, it hits high and bold, but doesn’t fall short of predictable lines and crazy antics just for the heck of it. His style of cinematography doesn’t change from the fourteen-year gap either, so it stays in the same vibe of The Devil’s Rejects. As a movie, it is exactly what I expected when going into a Rob Zombie film which I know is controversial for many, but satisfying to the right viewer. I enjoyed the movie enough to say I had fun and was glad to see it in theaters.
PCL Rating: High Taste It
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: FRESH 🍅
Tags: 3 From Hell 2019, 3 From Hell Movie, Quinton Roberts, Rob Zombie 3 From Hell
Categorised in: Movie Reviews
This post was written by Leftover Brian
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